Tuesday, August 11, 2015


There was a recent article in ScienceDaily: Latest Science News :Engineering a permanent solution to genetic diseases. Great, now sientists think they can cure our genetic
diseases! But look back on the failures—we still have problems in New Orleans because the engineers cured our problems with silt, yet Katrina almost wiped
out the city. For every cure, there seems to be a problem. In the same issue
the poor you have with you always” and “you can do good for them anytime you desire”. But the Great Society has failed to end poverty after 50 years. They also ran an article:Raises for elected representatives could lead to better representation.
Amazingly enough congress has been trying that idea out for the past 200 plus years and has yet to improve our laws. The same issue has:Brushing off the dust: New snail species found lying in a museum since the 19th century. What a snail has been crawling around in our museums all this time in front of many scientists

and we've just now seen it? Now I like NFL style football but:Altered brain development among former NFL players, study suggests. Yes, banging heads into one another does cause problems even with our modern helmets.